Wellness Diagnostic and Consulting

Can you accurately measure the level of engagement and long term impact of the different wellness, leadership or emotional intelligence initiatives your company has? The development of soft skills can be measured and predicted with hard data.

We help you understand, measure and improve your current soft skills training initiatives and identify the gaps that might be undermining your collaborators’ ability to fully leverage their benefits and achieve their full potential. We help you integrate what are otherwise one-off, disparate training initiatives into a cohesive, 360° plan that leads to more successful outcomes.

Integral Resilience Training

Help your employees develop the coping skills they need to prevent burnout and promote physical, mental and emotional wellness.

This is a fully customized program tailored to the specific needs of your organization and team based on the application of behavioral change theories.

Most intensive trainings crunch a ton of information into a short amount of time where participants come out euphoric but quickly forget what they learned and invariably return to past behavioral patterns. Unlike children’s brains that absorb new information like sponges, adults need time to not just learn new concepts but to unlearn unconscious negative behaviors.

How to stay grounded when the ground is moving

Our three-pronged approach: Immersion, Integration, Activation allows participants not just to learn the theoretical principles but to slowly incorporate and apply them through time. With our continued, personalized support participants apply, put into practice, test, experiment and role-play the concepts they are learning with the challenges they face in their actual professional roles and personal lives, not with generic, cookie cutter exercises.

Inspirational Leadership Training

There is a tangible, measurable impact of leadership on productivity. Studies by MIT Sloan School of Management and Best Place to Work demonstrate that bad bosses are the number one reason why employees leave a company with 92% of saying that their boss is not empathetic and 76% claiming they don’t feel valued. There is a direct correlation between the quality of a leader and the physical and mental health of his or her team members. 

Many common toxic behaviors among leaders like micro-managing people, discouraging dissent, intimidation or abuse of power are invisible to the rest of the organization. These are not intentionally bad people. Studies by the Harvard Medical School and NeuroBusiness found that 75% of senior managers report burnout mainly driven by excessive work, a sense of impotence to deal with challenges and a lack of gratification with their work.

Workshops and Keynotes

A rich a varied collection of speaking engagements and practical workshops designed to give your collaborators a better understanding of the different aspects that lead to a more balanced, successful and fulfilled life. From Nutrition to Insomnia to Mindfulness; from Conflict Resolution to Effective Communication to Emotional Intelligence; contact us to discuss your team’s needs and explore possibilities.

Individual and Group Coaching

Expert coaches specialized in various fields can support individuals or teams in a variety of ways. Contact us to discuss you needs.